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Weird Web Radio

Seek the Mysteries & Stay Weird, My Friends.

Aug 31, 2018

Welcome to Weird Web Radio! 

This episode features the Strategic Sorcerer himself, Jason Miller! Jason's influence in the Occult is far and wide. Jason teaches the Strategic Sorcery Course, Sorcery of Hekate Course, and the Take Back Your Mind Course.

That's not all. 

Jason's work has been an enormous influence on my...

Aug 3, 2018

Welcome to Weird Web Radio!

I'm your host, Lonnie Scott!

This episode features Ivo Dominguez Jr. This interview was really insightful. It's isn't often you get a chance to ask questions from a real elder in a respectable Pagan community. Ivo is out there giving lectures, writing really good books, and still find time...