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Weird Web Radio

Seek the Mysteries & Stay Weird, My Friends.

May 29, 2022

Hey Gang!

Welcome another episode of Weird Web Radio!

This one features Hector Salva! Hector is the author of the new book published by Weiser Books Espiritismo: Puerto Rican Mediumship & Magic - available everywhere books are sold. 

Hector's Bio:

Born and raised in a family lineage of brujos (witchdoctors,...

May 1, 2022

Welcome to Weird Web Radio!

Welcome back Jason Miller! THE Strategic Sorcerer! 

Jason has a new book out. I highly recommend you get it. The book is Consorting With Spirits: Your Guide to Working With Invisible Allies. This book will open roads into spirit work for you like never before. It will prepare you to...